My Morning Routine
Today I wanted to write about a routine I’ve gotten into within the last year that helps me be more relaxed and peaceful. I follow these simple steps and have noticed that when I commit to this daily(ish) practice, I feel much more centered.
First- I set the mood. I start my morning by making a warm cup of tea & I sit on my couch with a pen, a journal & a book called The Grass is Green Enough. I like to put on my virtual fireplace & some calming piano music in the background.
Second- I sit and I have a mindful moment. I look around my living room and I observe:
(4) things I can see
(3) things I can hear
(2) things I can smell
(1) thing I feel
This second step is important because it brings you into the present moment. I don’t think about yesterday or what lies ahead in my day, I’m only focused on the here and now.
Third- I journal. I start by writing down things I am grateful for. Then I tell myself 3 positive affirmations. For example, if I’m feeling overwhelmed and busy that day, I say to myself “I am calm”. Then I write whatever I feel like writing about that day. I then go to the book I mentioned above and I write in there as well. I like this book because it gives you prompts to write about and makes you think about examples and situations.
Lastly- I do a prayer/meditation. I set my timer for 5 minutes and I sit quietly and focus on my breath. Every time I notice my mind wandering, I put my focus back on my breath. I am a spiritual person, so I then spend a few minutes in prayer.
I find that when I commit to this routine for at least 3 days out of my week, I am able to feel a greater sense of peace during my days. I’ve found that while life can have ups and downs as well as unpredictable and difficult times I have control over how I handle and react to the situation. Setting aside this time allows me to be a better version of myself which positively impacts my relationships, my attitude and my business.
If you have any questions about setting up your own morning routine, please feel free to reach out. I would love to help you!