A Fresh Start
2023 starts tomorrow … can you believe it?! While a new year does represent a fresh start, we truly can have a fresh start anytime during the year. That being said, in honor of the new year, I wanted to give you 3 ways that you can have a fresh start for your health starting today. These are things that I do daily and I know they make a difference in my life in such a positive way.
Make #1: Start walking. Walking is such a simple form of movement that we often take for granted. I suggest getting outside, feeling the sun on your face, and listen to your favorite music or podcast. Or, simply listen to the sounds around you. Any time you have is great!
#2: Have a snack. And not just any snack, but a healthy one! If we can intentionally plan a snack or two a day, that will not only prevent us from getting super hungry, but also maintain a healthy blood sugar which can affect our mood. I love snacking on trail mix, hummus and veggies and protein shakes.
#3: Meditate. Okay, stay with me! Take anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes to be still. Focus on your breath, let your thoughts come in and out, sit with your emotions and just be. There is scientific evidence that meditating has major health benefits on both our physical and mental health. You can find a free one online to guide you!
So there ya have it – KKPowerFit’s three recommendations for a fresh start in the new year. Please reach out if you’d like to know more about both my fitness and nutrition services - I would love to work with you in 2023!
Always cheering you on,