You Don't Have to Like It
Hi! Some of y’all saw on my insta story the other night that I had an idea for this blog post titled “You don’t have to like it” and what I’m referring to is … drum roll … cooking! And exercising! And actually come to think of it, lots of other things.
When I work with clients, I hear all the time “I just don’t like to workout” or “I just don’t like to cook”. And you know what, that’s okay! I think sometimes we wait for a positive feeling towards something to do it, and when that feeling isn’t there we just accept the fact that maybe we aren’t wired to eat healthy or exercise like other people are. But, we have to realize that even though we may not like doing something, we do it anyway because we know it’s good for us.
Here’s a good example that probably applies to a lot of us but I’ll speak from personal experience. I actually kind of hate going to the doctor. I don’t like the smell, I don’t like sitting there while they take my blood pressure, I don’t even like the waiting room! But, I make regular, routine appointments because I know it’s good for me and my health and my overall wellbeing. Just like working out and eating well, you may not like it, but we have to do it because it helps us in both the short and long term.
Plus, you may even look back at your workout or your healthy meal and think “that wasn’t so bad, I actually kind of enjoyed that!” Let’s try to take the pressure off ourselves to have to really like something in order to do it. The truth is, you may enjoy the process more the less you expect to like it!